Swallow study x-ray

An X-ray examination of the swallowing function (swallow study) is usually performed in case of swallowing problems. You may regularly choke while drinking or you may have the feeling that food is stuck in your throat. During the examination, photos and videos are taken while you drink a contrast fluid.

What about pregnancy?

X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or replaced by another examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination.


Before the examination

A swallow study is only done by appointment and only on the basis of a medical prescription. Please note that the investigation may start later than planned due to unforeseen circumstances.

No specific preparation is required and you should not be fasting.

To register, you can register directly at the counter of the Medical Imaging / Radiology Service with your identity card and the medical prescription. You should take with you images and/or access codes from relevant previous studies that were conducted elsewhere.

During the examination

You will be asked to remove your jewelry and put on an examination gown to protect your clothing (aprons are available).

This examination is done sitting or standing. You take a sip of contrast product into your mouth and, at the request of the medical imager or radiologist, you swallow it in one go, without moving any further. This action is repeated several times in different directions. In the meantime, radiological images are taken at a rapid pace, so that all phases of the swallowing movement can be assessed.

The examination takes a maximum of 10 - 15 minutes.

After the examination

The barium-containing contrast product can cause limited constipation: drink sufficient water for the first three days after the examination. The stool may be white for several days.

The radiologist makes a report of all the findings. You will receive a code/link with which the images and the report can be viewed by yourself and the requesting doctor. The referring doctor will discuss the radiologic report and results with you.

Swallow study x-ray

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