A PEDCAT or standing Cone Beam CT (CBCT) is an X-ray examination in which 3D images are made of the ankles and feet while the patient stands in the device. The big advantage is that the joints can be viewed in a standing 'physiological' position, so that the joints show the same position as when you are standing up. This provides additional useful information that can help in further treatment (e.g. correction of a flat foot, surgical planning, etc.). In addition, only a low dose of radiation is needed to obtain high-resolution images.

What about pregnancy?

X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or should be replaced by another examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination.


Before the examination

A PECAT or standing CBCT is done by appointment only.

The examination is only carried out on the basis of a medical prescription.

Please note that the investigation may start later than planned due to unforeseen circumstances.

To register, you can register directly at the Radiology / Medical Imaging desk with your identity card and medical prescription. You should take with you images and/or access codes from relevant previous studies that were conducted elsewhere.

During the examination

The nurse (technologist) will call you in and demonstrate how to get into the machine. You must stand upright on both feet in the device with a support bar on either side. The image recording itself takes only 10 seconds. In some cases, the recording will be performed twice if so-called stress recordings are also necessary.

After the examination

The technologist will process the images and generate 3D reconstructed images.

The radiologist will then interpret all images and make a report on all findings of the examination. You don't have to wait for this.

When the examination is completed, you will receive a code with which the images and the report can be viewed by yourself and the requesting doctor. You will then discuss the results of the examination afterward with the referring doctor or another specialist on the basis of this radiological report.


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