Gastric band x-ray

An X-ray or radiographic study of the Gastric Band is an X-ray examination in which the patency of the gastric band is evaluated. During the examination, the treating physician may tighten or widen the gastric band. You may be asked several times to drink a contrast fluid during the examination.

What about pregnancy?

X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or should be replaced by another examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination.


Before the examination

This examination is only carried out by appointment and in consultation with the treating physician, as he or she will also carry out the examination.

The examination is only carried out on the basis of a medical prescription. Please note that the investigation may start later than planned due to unforeseen circumstances.

To register, go directly to the Medical Imaging / Radiology desk with your identity card and medical prescription. You should take with you images and/or access codes from relevant previous studies that were conducted elsewhere.

During the examination

You will be standing upright and will have to drink a cup filled with a contrast agent while X-ray images are taken. In this way, we can follow the fluid from the esophagus to the stomach.

If the patency of the gastric band is good and you experience no complaints, the examination is finished.

If we determine that the gastric band needs to be narrower or wider, we will first discuss this with you. If you agree, we will adjust the gastric band immediately.

The gastric band divides the stomach into two: a small part above the gastric band and a large part below. There is an inflatable balloon on the inside of the gastric band. The gastric band is connected via a catheter or tube to a puncture port that is implanted under the skin. The doctor can adjust the size of the balloon by injecting a liquid into the puncture port. The larger the balloon, the smaller the passage from the small to the large stomach.

To adjust the gastric band, lie on your back on the examination table. The doctor injects the fluid into the port. Piercing the port can sometimes be a bit painful.

Afterward, you will be asked to drink a contrast agent again as a final check.

The examination takes approximately 20 minutes.

After the examination

You can go home after the examination.

The radiologist makes a report of the examination. You will receive a code/link with which the images and the radiologic report can be viewed by yourself and the requesting doctor. The doctor will discuss these results with you.

Gastric band x-ray

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