A Conebeam CT Scanner (CBCT) is a special type of CT scanner that uses a cone-shaped X-ray beam to create detailed 3D images of bones and tissues. This is especially helpful for the joints, bones, sinuses, inner ear, and teeth.

Our CBCT scanner is located in our practice located at Kielsevest n°12 in Antwerp. This latest generation CBCT scanner allows scanning both lying and sitting down.  

This type of examination is only reimbursed for specific indications, which is legally determined by the government (RIZIV), see the list below.

Reimbursed Indications CBCT:

  • Face / Paranasal Sinus 
  • Limb / Bone / Joints
    • without contrast agent: 
      • if radiography (RX) provides insufficient information / follow-up of complex fractures / suspicion of occult fracture / pre- and post-operative follow-up 
    • with intra-articular contrast agent: 
      • no limitation, any indication (CT arthrogram of the knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow,...)
  • Petrous bone (inner ear)

Advantages CBCT:

  • Very low radiation burden 
  • Very high resolution (high-quality images)
  • Fewer metal artifacts (less image degradation caused by metal in the region of interest)


X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or should be replaced by another better-suited / safe examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination. The radiologist makes a report with all the findings of the examination.Röntgenstralen kunnen schadelijk zijn voor het ongeboren kind. Ben je zwanger of zou je dit kunnen zijn, bespreek dan met jouw arts of het onderzoek kan worden uitgesteld of moet vervangen worden door een ander onderzoek. Meld dit ook altijd vóór het onderzoek aan de medisch beeldvormer.

The examination

The nurse (technologist) will call you in and demonstrate how to position yourself in the device, lying or sitting depending on which part of the body is being examined.

The image recording itself only takes 10 - 30 seconds. You mustn't move during scanning to ensure good image quality. If this does not work, should the investigation be repeated?

After the examination

The technologist will process the images and generate 3D reconstructions.

The radiologist will then interpret all images and make a report on all findings of the examination. You don't have to wait for this.

When the examination is completed, you will receive a code with which the images and the report can be viewed by yourself and the requesting doctor. You will subsequently discuss the results of the examination with the requesting doctor or another specialist based on this radiological report.


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