
An X-ray cystography is an X-ray examination in which images are made of the bladder following the introduction of a contrast fluid. This examination is mainly performed to identify irregularities in the bladder wall, fistulas, and reflux to the kidneys. After urination, any residual residue can be determined.

What about pregnancy?

X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or should be replaced by another examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination.


Before the examination

An RX cystography is only done by appointment and only on the basis of a medical prescription. Please note that the investigation may start later than planned due to unforeseen circumstances.

To register, go directly to the radiology / medical imaging desk with your identity card and medical prescription. You should take with you images and/or access codes from relevant previous studies that were conducted elsewhere.

No specific preparation is required and you do not need to be fasting.

During the examination

You will be asked to go to the toilet prior to the examination because you must have an empty bladder.

You will be asked to remove all jewelry and put on an examination gown to protect your clothing (aprons are available).

After applying a numbing lubricant, a bladder tube is inserted, which can feel a little uncomfortable. The bladder is filled with a contrast fluid through this tube. X-ray images are then taken of the bladder in different positions. After removing the tube, X-ray images are taken during urination and finally, a photo of the empty bladder is taken.

The examination takes approximately 30 minutes.

After the examination

After the examination, it is important to drink plenty of water to prevent a bladder infection.

The radiologist makes a report of the examination. You will receive a code/link with which the images and the radiologic report can be viewed by yourself and the requesting doctor. The doctor will discuss the results with you.


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