A bone density scan or DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) is an X-ray examination that uses a very low amount of X-rays to measure the bone's density (= quality). This is used to diagnose or assess your risk of osteoporosis, a health condition that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break.

During a bone density scan, a type of X-ray called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (or DEXA) is passed through your body (specifically the lower back and hip). 

Some radiation is absorbed by the bone and soft tissue, and some travels through your body. Special detectors in the DEXA machine measure how much radiation passes through your bones, and this information is sent to a computer. 

Your bone density measurements will be compared with the bone density of a young healthy adult or an adult of your own age, gender, and ethnicity.

As well as being quick and painless, a bone density scan is more effective than normal X-rays in identifying/quantifying an abnormally low bone density.

What about pregnancy?

X-rays can be harmful to the unborn child. If you are pregnant or could be, discuss with your doctor whether the examination can be postponed or replaced by another examination. Always report this to the medical imager before the examination.


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